A Community for CTICU Intensivists 

Connect to colleagues passionate about cardiothoracic surgical critical care medicine (CTCCM). Our goal is to provide a platform for multispecialty physicians who practice in CTICUs around the United States and the world, promoting the propagation of knowledge, research, education, and clinical practice in CTCCM.

Our Activities

Quarterly Virtual Meetings

Members meet quarterly to host leaders in the field and discuss topics related to CTCCM. During the meetings we also discuss projects and other opportunities members want to address.

LinkedIn & WhatsAPP Accounts

Anyone can join our LinkedIn account where we share and discuss the latest publications relating to CTICU patient care. Members of C4 can also join our WhatsApp community for direct conversations.


Education and Research

Utilize educational resources developed by C4 members for your trainees working in the CTICUs. Help with further educational and simulation content creation. Work with members on research collaboration as to current practices and attitudes towards CTCCM.


We provide a platform to share job opportunities, open fellowship spots, and more.


About Us

We are a grassroots organization seeking to connect the  specialized cardiothoracic intensive care community in the United States.